Contributed by Lamon!
Word of the day:
Think of it this way. A male twit asks a female twit for sex.
She says, "NEEEUUUUUU. dunch wan."
Thus, NEU = NO.
Word of the day:
Think of it this way. A male twit asks a female twit for sex.
She says, "NEEEUUUUUU. dunch wan."
Thus, NEU = NO.
it sounds more like new...haha!they really need to learn proper english!
Anonymous, at 3:52 AM
kaex nnah . moii oso wan go utt` wiib uu.
bry |ong nba c uu |e . miishuu . x))
mush go utt` kaex . ? mushh worx . x)
it's copied from one of the hao family's testimonials. this is so funny and has to be the most ridiculous twit language i've ever seen. feature this and let the world laugh!
Anonymous, at 6:30 AM
it's so interesting that i couldnt stop reading. i finished all of them. (: and wads with all those redundant letters?! how stupid. like how did they manage to create all these words lah? if they were so clever, they would have been awarded the nobel prize for inventing the "twitish"? it's like super tiring to tYpPeE lyYkK tHiShH. i can type 5 mintues faster in normal english. -.- this shows that they have alot time.
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM
i got 1 twit's word for ya...i think roomie is one,twits can write room but they extend it to roomie...u can see the word"roomie" in habbohotel very often.If you dun have the word "roomie" in ur twitionary,u can take that word and publish.haha
Anonymous, at 11:02 PM
hey hey.. this sentence isnt totally twit =(
shouldnt it be "dunnchhx wannxz"
or sth? haha~
wow.. tt took me 1 min to type =P
Anonymous, at 5:53 AM
sounds like no+eww=neuuuuuuuuuu
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
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