The Twitionary

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Word of the day:

A common Singlish term which actually means "Why is it like that?" Even if so, "like that" is already bad enough, some people still want to make it worse by using alternatives to go about typing in a shorter form, and make it sound almost incomprehensible.
"eeYerZ~.. y eU lyDaT dE..~ haO eRxIn wOrz`!"

lidat / lydis / lyk dat

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Word of the day:

1. Uh, this actually means "MY". More commonly used by those pinksters who try to act high-class because they do not like "mua" or "moi", but they all sound equally retarded.
"mai mEiMeI shO sWeEt N cUte dE nEhz~!!"

mua / moi / mah / muuaii

2. "Don't" in Hokkien. Need I say more?
"mAi kaY sIaO hOrz~ gOrT wHeRe bUaYs0nG lAi 1on1 LarS!"


Saturday, August 27, 2005


Word contributed by Sarah!

Word of the day:

It means "don't". On the internet, people tend to type short forms as to make typing more convenient. But in this case, DUNCH has more alphabets than DON'T. This really sets me wondering why would anyone wants to type DUNCH. What's more? It sounds damn stupid with a -ch sound at the end!
"dUncH lyDat nArZ..~ wALieWz.."

dun / don / donte / mai

Friday, August 26, 2005


Word of the day:

"Yi Bei Zi" in chinese. You might find it weird I know, I found it shocking as well. Whoever thought that 184 sounds like "Yi Bei Zi"?
"jiemuiis 184! yeAahhZ.."

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Word of the day:

Commonly used by ah lians/pinksters to make themselves sound as though they are very close with each other.
A term to call their fellow girlfriend whom they go shopping for cheap clothes with, and abandon when they are going out to meet their laogongs.
"nNb! dUnCh eU tRy tu bUwWiE mUa jIeMuI oRkAeX?"

jiemei / sistaz

xiongdi / brudder

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Word of the day:

I get reminded of tutu kwey whenever I see this word. Oh well.
I figured "tu" actually meant "to". Like, huh?
This happens when some people just refuse to type O on the keyboard and think the letter "U" will make the word "to" sound more stylo milo, and end up sounding gay.
"mie lyK tu slp arnd wib men narhs"

tuu / t0 / 2

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Word of the day:

Pua Chee Bye. A vagina with linen that has been broken aka non virgin. God knows why twits love to scold anyone and everyone a non virgin. They probably think everyone in this world are non virgins just because they are not.
"eUu dUnCh sc0Ld mUa jIeMui h0R PCB!~"

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lim Bei / Bu

Word of the day:
lim bei / bu

Your father/mother. Used when twits, especially the lians and bengs species, try to make a point valid. They know that we people with intellect would not listen to them, so they make things sound as though our parents are telling us. But our intellect is far higher than what they think.

"limbei ka li g0ng n0rhhx. mAI snG sNg wiB jIeMui tOng!"

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Word of the day:

Read it in chinese in a very cheena manner, it means 一生一世。It's acceptable as 一生一世's han yu pin ying in chinese is Yi Sheng Yi Shi and 1314' han yu pin ying is Yi San Yi Si. Often used together with 184, which supposingly means 一辈子。 But in this case, its totally ridiculous as Yi Ba Si sounds nothing like Yi Bei Zi (except for the Yi), 1314 is also commonly combined with 512, resulting in 5121314, meaning 我爱你一生一世(wo ai ni yi sheng yi shi)。Wu Yi Er vs Wo Ai Ni. No link. NO LINK AT ALL. In case you cant see, Wu is pronounced as W-OO and WO in chinese is pronounced as W-OR.

"w0 lUrb dArdAr 1314! we will be tugedar 184 oHhs! rEmEmbAr 5121314!~*"

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Word of the day:
1 on 1

Not the usual One-on-One to Scissors-Paper-Stone anymore. :( This 1 on 1 has a new meaning!

When said by ahlians, it usually means an invitation to a catfight.
When said by ahbengs, it usually ends up with him and a bunch of his other skinny friends in "No Fear" T-shirts and 3/4 pants hiding behind every trash can along the road who will pop out to help in case violence is introduced into the scene.

"eu where buay song? wu ji den cum 1on1 lars.. set date n tym nars. humji kia."

Announcement: Twit Dictionary Renamed to Twitionary

From today onwards, our URL shall be changed to No more of "The Twit Dictionary". Please update your Bookmarks! ~hees`!

Million thanks to our faithful fan dbted, who suggested this brilliant idea of renaming our dictionary to this! Also, thank you for forseeing that we would make it big someday! *chuckles* :D Once again, thank you so much! *mUaCksZx* lUb eUu 1314 oHhz~

I know you love The Twitionary. Since you love us, you must tell your friends about us! Boast to them about how great we are! Heh, and remember, M.O.T will love you to bits and pieces if you do that. We love our fans! Without you, there is no M.O.T today!

P.S. If you have any ideas for the Twitionary, do not hesitate to email us at Your e-mail shall be kept private and confidential.

Thank you for reading and have a good day!

Friday, August 19, 2005


Enlightenment for dearest Kenneth! :)

Word of the day:

1. Could be used to expressed anger and frustration in some cases, yet trying not to really show it.
"fcuk euu l0rx. nort me narhx~!!"

2. Sarcasm or an obvious white lie. Most of the time, it will be followed by a laugh because the author just cannot refrain him/herself from lying.
"yew beri cute narsh..~ hahaz."

nah / narh / narsh with (x/z/s at the back!)

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Word of the day:

No, it's not followed by the word 'dub'. You wonder why "love" could actually morph into such a still-supposedly-is-English word called "lub".
"lub mua laogongx 4eba oHhz~"

For your useful information, lub actually means "wipe" in malay! Maybe it's just me, but I got the creeps when I heard that. What if the bimbos say "mie lub euu"? Imagine how gross that sounds! "I WIPE YOU" is the translation! Okay, let's not go into wondering where they wipe. Oops. Sorry.

lurbe(x/z/s) / lorve / lurve / lurv / lurb / lurffe / loorbe / lopphe

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Word of the day:

1. Used by people who do not know how to spell "FUCK", or refuse to type it that way because it sounds so vulgar. (You wonder how the other spelling sound less vulgar eh?)
"fcuk off narhxx!"

2. A brand name. It means French Connection actually, and not the way you think it is.

fark / phuck / fook / fuerk / fhuarwk

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Word of the day:

1. Means something like "neh", probably.
"*.+oh g0d.. eUu sHo kAwAii w0rx``!! hmPhz~!+.*"

2. Expression word. To be said with a whiny voice. Can be used when proving one's innocence.
"no wor~" , "not mie wor..."

worx(x) / w0r / worsh / wors(s) / worz(z)

Monday, August 15, 2005


Word of the day:

The latest trend to say "you". Originally typed as U to make typing easier in chatrooms. God knows why an irrelevant E has been added in front of the U, maybe it serves to make the word look more stupid and illogical.
"fr0m miee too euu... heeexx."

euu / eeuuie (contributed by Ruby) / y00 / yew / ieuqs

Official Opening of The Twit Dictionary!

Hi one and all,

The long-awaited Twit Dictionary has finally been launched.
Everyday, or occasionally I'd say (being the lazy Pring), a "twit-ish" word would be randomly selected and posted.

Who are we:
The same old bastards from Museum Of Twits (MOT). Pring and Camry.

1. Satisfy the curiosity of non-twits who attempt to research about The Twit Language. (Search no more! Enlightenment is here!)
2. Solely entertainment for the people with no lives.
3. Mock the stupid, of course!

If you have really TWIT-ish words and would like to share it with us, please e-mail to Your suggestion would be greatly appreciated and yes, we will give you credit for that. :)

This blog should be updated daily, so do check back often!