The Twitionary

Friday, September 30, 2005


Contributed by =!

Word of the day:

This is most probably one of the weirdest words anybody could have come up with. You don't think you know, do you? Make a guess!

It's "OF". Oh my. *leaves to go bang the wall*
"ii dUnCh waNn tUu lEt g0 oBb eUr hAnDs~"


Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Contributed by yeechien!

Word of the day:

A replacement for "OH-so-called love" for twits.
"lAogOnG, mIe hEaRtx eUu OhHx~"

lub / <3 / harts

Monday, September 26, 2005


Contributed by Pearlyn!

Word of the day:

French word for "me". However, the whole class of this word thinks it stands for "my" and start to use it the wrong way, hence degrading the whole class of this word. Man, it's so insulting...
"mOi bF iSh BeRi gUd tUu MiEe dE NeHx!"

mai / mui / muai / muh / mue / muah

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Contributed by hah!

Word of the day:

It just means "cool". This is what you get when you desperately attempt to find a more funky way of typing. A nonsensical word, if you consider it to be one.
"wAhz! wHerE eU geT diS vOnDuTch bAg dE? shO kEwL wOrx!! ii OsHo wAn!"

kool / Q

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Contributed by sherry!

Word of the day:

The twit's way of going "hehe" "haha" or "kakaka". Somehow they think that it makes them sound cuter, although it barely sounds logical at all.
"eU BeRi fUnNi lEhx, kEkEkEx~``!"

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Contributed by girl!

Word of the day:

Toot + Stupid = tootpid.
Very contradicting word used by twits. You know, pot calling the kettle black?
"wAhz, eU tOoTpId oR wADx?!"

tuupid / tupid / stupig / stewpig / stewpiik

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Word of the day:

An affectionate way to call their stead of as short as 1 day old. Sometimes, one is called DarDar, the other is called LingLing. It's kinda stupid, I know. Because it means "chest" in the Malay language, yet they think it's intimate. Ugh!
"lUrBes MuA dArdAr dEsMoNd ohHz."

dear / laogong/po / hubby/wife / baobei

Friday, September 16, 2005


Word of the day:

I have mentioned this while trying to decipher a twit before.
luRbE dUncH cOsT a fWiNg
Initially I thought, "What's FWING? Fucking Thing? Fried Wings? Flying Wings? Thing? But all makes no sense."
Then I realised, it was THING afterall. Apparently, if love didn't cost a thing, they wouldn't be so lovesick and sob all day when they lose their STEADS.

How on earth did THING become FWING? There's a big difference, you know. This accounts for the atrocious pronunciation of the creator, that's why he/she felt FWING would sound like THING.
"lUrBx dUnCh cOsT a FwInG!"

tink / ting

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Word of the day:

HUM means something like lacking, JI refers to balls.
Hence, humji = lack balls!

Very commonly used in scenarios when an anonymous identity goes to disturb in a blog, and the owner will claim to be angry and demand for a meet up for a 1 on 1. Actually, we all know what we happen even if the person identified himself.

"eUu dUnCh hUmJi h0rS, eUu dArE eUu sTaTe uR nAmE aNd sChOoL aNd cLasS lArS, i g0 fInD euU!"

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wu Ji Lai

Contributed by unidentified! :)

Word of the day:
wu ji lai

Hokkien phrase commonly used by gangsters, when translated into English, it means "If you have the balls (literally it means guts), come and try me!"
Apparently, it is only used to make themselves sound big like they have alot of backup. Even if so, the whole gang must be a bunch of gays who hide their centre-parting hair with an ugly mesh cap.
"mAi kA wA tOk cOcK lArx. wU jI LaI lAr!"

Friday, September 09, 2005


Contributed by Josh!

Word of the day:

Another form of "OKAY", with a few pinches of act-cuteness in the word. It sounds stupid and nonsenical, I know, but the synonyms are worse!
"rEmeMbEr tu TaKkAiRe orF yUrsElF KkIeZ?"

kkie / orhky / oohkie

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Contributed by twit! (huh?)

Word of the day:

Sounds like "Byebye" when you pronounce it fast enough in Chinese. ARGH. That's rotten pronunciation actually, and it's haunting. :o
"mIe WaNnA tO g0 oRhOrH lErx`~ nYtEz! 881~"

bubbai / bai / zai jian / bb(z/s/x)

Monday, September 05, 2005


Contributed by passerby!

Word of the day:

Try saying it fast, it becomes ba-si-yi = spastic in Chinese. 847 is also acceptable, it would sound something like ba-si-qi.

It's commonly used when 3 twits are taking neoprints together. One would pose with 8 fingers, another with 4 fingers.. and the last with either 1 or 7 fingers. When decorating the neoprint afterwards, they would write "spastic" as their caption.

I don't wish to be mean, but unless they make a pose like this:

Then they have failed to look spastic.
"wAlIew.. u bErI 841 wOrZ..~"


Friday, September 02, 2005

Hong Gan

Word of the day:
hong gan

A very rude Hokkien phrase to mean if someone is "asking for it". Literally, "wanting to be fucked."
This is a downright lowclass thing to say, and the person who uses this word most probably is feeling 'hong gan' him/herself.
"yoo h0ng gAn siBox??"
